It’s the first day of Spring.

…and we are isolated in our homes for this pandemic.

Except we can be outside, and the good Lord has blessed us with some ridiculously beautiful weather.

I got so self conscious about blogging in the last year. It seemed like such a fully self-absorbed, validation-seeming pursuit. I cringed so hard when I read old blogposts.

Maybe I’m losing my sanity and it’s entirely possible that I’m just starved for attention, but this quarantine/isolation situation has made me realize how much I MISS blogs! The good old personal non-sponsored kind. The ones that just told you about their random thoughts and ordinary days. How lovely that was, and how brief was it’s reign!

I’m not trying to hate on the small business owners that used to be family bloggers. I am impressed by their hustle and I do understand how much effort it takes to make that a job. Good on you, full time money-making bloggers.

But I’m going to start this little experiment of again. Just in case anyone out there needs it. Just in case the catharsis of writing helps me enjoy this season more! So imma just go through my recent pics and share the highlights old school blog style 🤪 (fueled by 4 pm rose, so it may or may not be v coherent)…

This dress is a highlight of my week. Except that I have nowhere to wear it to, since Church was cancelled.

I bought it for a third of its original cost on Poshmark, which I gave another chance after my friend Theresa Breslin discovered it and made a killing, keeping up with the tweenage fashion bloggers like the competitive beast she is.

And I am kind of enjoying the beauty of my house, which looks amazing because it is under contract! We are hopefully moving back to Charlotte, if all continues to go smoothly with both sides of the deal.

We worked really hard to get it to this meticulously clean and beautiful stage, and honestly it hasn’t been as hard to maintain that as I used to think. I hope I stay as on top of things in the new house.

Becket was sick last week. But he wasn’t super sick; never even woke up at night. And no one else has gotten sick, and now he’s all better.🤷🏽‍♀️

He’s my most annoying child when he’s healthy; but by some mysterious act of providence, he turns into the sweetest and most endearing little thing when he’s sick. Like I genuinely can’t get enough of his cuddles. And he drops his normal third child competitive whininess, and adopts this sweet self-effacing humility when he’s under the weather. I knew he was recovering fully the other day when the old pushy behavior started taking over.

Is this a safe place to admit that?

Will and Henry are doing fine at school from home. It’s literally exactly how imagined it would be – take that, sanctimonious homeschool pushers! 😉 Will is easy autopilot kid; Henry screams at me about every assignment until I start screaming back, and then he finishes it in 5 minutes like it ain’t no thang.

I’ll keep you posted, I’m sure you’re all on the edge of your seats. How has this season been treating you?

3 thoughts on “It’s the first day of Spring.

  1. I love me a resurrected blog! My third is the most annoying as well (he’s also the baby) and it’s been hard dealing with him and trying to do work with my second grader and kindergartener. I’m also eyerolling the sanctimonious homeschoolers. Keep up the blogging! 🙂

      1. Ha, no, my sisters and I closed our blog a few years ago. Maybe the pandemic will push me back into it, though!

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